Tuesday 24 April 2018

So it is Safe to Say That the Bowie Knife for Sale?

Every seen Rambo I, II, III, Crocodile Dundee or Predator (the movie), then you know what a Bowie Knife is intrinsically.  

According to Wikipedia the first one ever created was in the early 19th century by James Black for Jim Bowie who was famous for prowess with a knife and gained its widespread notoriety through a knife fight referred to as the Sandbar Fight where Jim Bowie was seriously injured and he had killed someone with his giant knife, which later came to be known as the Bowie knife. The sandbar fight and the widespread p2p advertising of the fight directly correlated with the increased Bowie Knife sales throughout the region.

Originally bowie knives for sale were designed primarily as a hand to hand combat weapon that was compact and easy to carry when compared to a sword. Today this knife is used primarily by hunters, campers and survival fanatics alike. Reasons for use primarily are skinning, using it to build shelter, making hunting tools and self defence ofcourse.

Now there have been many depictions of the Bowie knife for sale in popular culture. Even before the whole movie culture was a thing these knives have been depicted on the  most famous medium for storytelling which was books.

Out of all them the most prominent was the mention of the Bowie Knife in Dracula by Bram Stokers, and we are not talking about the movie here but the true art form of the written work in which the dracula was in fact killed by a bowie knife being driven into his heart by the protagonist. Modern day fictitious depictions are numerous and the most notable are ofcourse the walking dead and extremely famous game Counter Strike 1.6.

They also are one of the  most collected knives due to its rich history both in real life events and fiction. So it is safe to say that the Bowie Knife for sale is one of, if not the most famous and collected knives at present times.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Stiletto Knife - Why you Should Purchase One?

A stiletto blade is characterized by having a narrow tip with many knife and blade enthusiast considering it a dagger of sorts. Whether you consider her a dagger or a sword, there is no denying the fact that she packs a mean punch when used properly. Do be careful before purchasing your first stiletto knife as most of them are designed for piercing and not for cutting.

Brass Knuckle Knife

The brass knuckle knife has a long and well documented history, the brass knuckle knife, also known as a trench knife is most well known for being a military combat weapon. This knife is perfect for close quarters combat. The versatility of our brass knuckle knives is unmatched anywhere else in the world. Due to the long and lengthy history of these brass knuckle knife, you get to protect yourself with a piece of history.

This brass knuckle knives are featherweight and easily concealable, as you already know, all the Knives available on Knives Deal are of superior quality. We offer a range of brass knuckle knives, some feature fordable blades, while others have fixed blade.

Stiletto Knife - Long & Lengthy History

The stiletto knife was first developed in Europe, Italy to be specific around the 1400’s. The Italian word “stiletto” was coined from the Latin word ‘stilus’, which was a Roman writing instrument used primarily for engraving during earlier times. Our originally crafted Italian stiletto knife is available in a variety of designs, shapes, and sizes.

Our brass knuckle knives are made of steel, we offer both fantasy brass knuckle knife and regular ones. These knives offer a great grip offering your fingers some protection while in combat situations. What is there not to love about the brass knuckle knife, it’s very useful and they were designed with practicality in mind.

Stiletto brass knuckle knife is a combination of two already great knives. Whoever came up with this combination is a true genius of sorts; you mix a narrow tip piercing knife with a brass knuckle design that has proven to be efficient time and time again in multiple scenarios and you get the perfect knife for urban usage.

Different Variations of The Knife

Brass knuckle knives have been reinvented and remade several times by different individuals and companies. The most interesting might just be the Apache revolver; although not available on our website we will still talk about this masterpiece. The Apache revolver is a handgun that incorporates multiple other deadly weapons; they were most notably used by the Les Apaches during the early 20th century. Designed by Louis Dolne, the Apache makes use of a pin fire cartridge, it incorporates a Brass knuckle knife handle with a stiletto shaped dual edged knife suitable for piercing in closed quarters combat.

All the Stiletto Knife- Brass Knuckle knife we offer perfect for you to make a purchase from Knives Deal .

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