Thursday 20 December 2018

A Brief Guide to Brass Knuckles: Everything you Must Know

Brass Knuckles are offensive or defensive tools designed to fit around the knuckles. They are the fighting weapons that enhance the punching power of the fist of the wearer. The wearer can draw the fingers across his palm and form a fist. A flat portion amid the joints of first fingers and knuckles form a powerful weapon to strike the contenders. The idea behind these knuckles is to increase the punching strength and prevent damage to your hand. Hence, wearing them would serve a couple of purposes. If you want to learn more about the brass knuckles, let’s explore their history, usage, and legality. 

Exploring the history of Brass Knuckles

The knuckle style tools are not new, they have been used hundreds of years ago. During the Civil War in America, wood and iron knuckles were designed and used by the fighters. The soldiers either purchased them or made their own. Also, Nihand Sikhs used similar knuckles known as Sher Panja during early 18th century. A few brass knuckles include rounded rings enabling greater impact of blows and causing more serious injuries. In the earlier times, metal knuckles were used that had spikes, cutting edges, and shar points. Such weapons were also referred to as knuckle knives. 

In the late 19th century, pistols featured knuckle duster. Also, the US army issued a couple of knuckle knives amid the first world war including US model 1918 and the US model 1917. England manufactured knuckle knives and knuckles and allowed soldiers to use them. The modern designs of brass knuckles are pretty different than the ancient ones with emergency blades incorporated in them.

The modern uses of Brass Knuckles

Knuckles are not only considered as tools for fighting and self-defense in the modern days. Brass Knuckles are now used in numerous ways ranging from fashion accessories to auto ornaments. They are highly popular apparel among the fashionable and elite gangsters, players, and hustlers. They are considered to be more appealing and attractive as well. 

Chrome and brass come with studs for screwing in for making the buckles of belts. People also wear them as four fingers ring and on necklaces. Knuckles are also popular among the auto owners as gorgeous and luxurious ornaments. They tend to hang them on the rear-view mirror. With their different styles and colors, they are also used as hood ornaments. 

Appearance of Brass Knuckles in Movies and Games

Brass Knuckles appeared in several TV shows and movies. Most recently, they were seen in Band of Brothers. William Regal, a well-known wrestler uses to wear them on different occasions. He has a particular wrestling move involving knuckles which he calls “Power of the Punch”. 

They are considered to give a feel of a “tough guy”, which is the reason why many Hardcore musicians wear them. Several WWE Superstars such as John Cena and Chris Jericho have been seen wearing them on different episodes of WWE Raw. John Constantine used a pair of holy knuckles in the movie Constantine. Similarly, Angelina Jolie wore a pair of these knuckles in the film “Wanted”. GTA Vice City is a popular game in which brass knuckles were worn by the main character. 

Legality of the Brass Knuckles in different United States

The laws around Brass knuckles vary in the USA from state to state. A few states have legalized them while a few have made them illegal. The states in which it is illegal include Illinois, California, Vermont, and Michigan. Surprisingly, Texas has made manufacturing, sale, and possession of these knuckles illegal. In many other states, they are considered legal. However, in South Carolina, they are considered illegal in case they are used with an intention to commit a crime. 

Many states considered knuckles as concealed weapons. You need a permit to carry them, but it depends upon the age requirements. In the states where knuckles are legal, they are sold as a jewelry item, typically a necklace.