What would you do if you had to save your life in some violent attack? While using your closed fist, there are a number of options to take into consideration, such as rather ‘dirty’ or other tactics of combat boxing. Moreover, if you would possess some further developed tactile sensitivity, then it would definitely increase your defense and offense in a close-combat fight. I believe that one should never limit his/her self defense to the power of the raw fist alone.
When I talk about dirty boxing, I require you to possess a set of real knuckle duster and include it in the boxing sport. Do you know what are knuckle dusters? They are metal pieces formed like knuckles and are worn around them so that the power of a punch can be increased. They are dangerous and must not be taken lightly. This is why one must be very careful while using them, especially against someone.
Also, if you think you are good at boxing and throwing punches, then you are definitely familiar with the classic bare-fisted boxing punch, which includes the front part of the four bare knuckles of your fingers. However, if you don’t possess a high level of hand strength, the density of bones, and purely dynamic experience of hitting and punching, then it is recommended that you level up the power of your punch. To overcome the fragility of your striking hand, you can use tools, such as knuckle dusters or push daggers that add the much-needed wallop to the fist.
The Effectiveness of Using Knuckle Duster
equipped with these knuckle dusters, you can definitely excel while hitting crucial parts of the body that are usually difficult to strike and hit with the bare hand as a certain level of penetration is required. With the raw fist, you may go for the nose and throat. However, once you are equipped with brass knuckles, you can actually engage in some dirty boxing while aiming at the ribs, sternum, skull, and diaphragm. In this regard, make sure to practice on sandbags and dummies in order to obtain the perfect brass knuckle effect. Practicing punching with these weapons will also let you know about the weapon’s reliability and limitations.
When it comes to one’s self-defense weapons, it is crucial to know that there are no such limitations. One’s own security and protection should always be one’s priority along with the safety and protection of their loved ones. However, before you pursue a set of knuckle dusters, it is highly recommended that you check out the laws of your state with regard to law and legality. Moreover, make it a point to improve your own natural abilities, safety goals, and resources; it is important to carry a contingency plan all the time since bad things don’t come announced.