Thursday 9 April 2020

The Best Knuckle Duster I Have & How I Use It!

I am a huge fan of knuckle dusters. I believe it is a fantastic tool to have in your collection. Since I’m a fan, I have managed a beautiful collection of these tools. 

However, I have the one that is most important for me. I love this special knuckle duster and I call it a masterpiece. 

This is the best knuckle I have and I am able to use it in a variety of ways. Today, I will let you know about that piece of knuckles and how I utilize it. So, let’s reveal it first!

My Best Knuckle Duster

The best knuckle duster in my collection is the knuckle duster bottle opener. I use it in a variety of ways. It is slightly different from other knuckles. It has a special bottle opener attached to it. This is an additional feature of this special piece of knuckles. Here is how I use it!

Open Bottles & Cans

The most obvious way I am able to use this knuckle duster is to open bottles and cans. The additional feature of bottle opener makes it easier to open bottles and different canned objects. Since I often need to open these objects, it is such assistance for me. 

My Paperweight

Knuckle duster serves as my paperweight as well. I keep it placed on the papers in my office to control them and keep them where they should be. It is a weighty item by the way.

My Self Defense Weapon

Knuckle duster serves as well as my self-defense weapons. It is a powerful tool I can use to battle the attackers. I can punch them in their faces and injure them to survive. 

My Fashion Wearable

Other than being a powerful tool, my knuckle duster bottle opener serves as a nice fashion accessory. I can just wear it to make a fashion statement!

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Thursday 11 July 2019

Dirty Boxing and Knuckle Duster

What would you do if you had to save your life in some violent attack? While using your closed fist, there are a number of options to take into consideration, such as rather ‘dirty’ or other tactics of combat boxing. Moreover, if you would possess some further developed tactile sensitivity, then it would definitely increase your defense and offense in a close-combat fight. I believe that one should never limit his/her self defense to the power of the raw fist alone. 

When I talk about dirty boxing, I require you to possess a set of real knuckle duster and include it in the boxing sport. Do you know what are knuckle dusters? They are metal pieces formed like knuckles and are worn around them so that the power of a punch can be increased. They are dangerous and must not be taken lightly. This is why one must be very careful while using them, especially against someone. 

Also, if you think you are good at boxing and throwing punches, then you are definitely familiar with the classic bare-fisted boxing punch, which includes the front part of the four bare knuckles of your fingers. However, if you don’t possess a high level of hand strength, the density of bones, and purely dynamic experience of hitting and punching, then it is recommended that you level up the power of your punch. To overcome the fragility of your striking hand, you can use tools, such as knuckle dusters or push daggers that add the much-needed wallop to the fist.

The Effectiveness of Using Knuckle Duster 

equipped with these knuckle dusters, you can definitely excel while hitting crucial parts of the body that are usually difficult to strike and hit with the bare hand as a certain level of penetration is required. With the raw fist, you may go for the nose and throat. However, once you are equipped with brass knuckles, you can actually engage in some dirty boxing while aiming at the ribs, sternum, skull, and diaphragm. In this regard, make sure to practice on sandbags and dummies in order to obtain the perfect brass knuckle effect. Practicing punching with these weapons will also let you know about the weapon’s reliability and limitations.

When it comes to one’s self-defense weapons, it is crucial to know that there are no such limitations. One’s own security and protection should always be one’s priority along with the safety and protection of their loved ones. However, before you pursue a set of knuckle dusters, it is highly recommended that you check out the laws of your state with regard to law and legality. Moreover, make it a point to improve your own natural abilities, safety goals, and resources; it is important to carry a contingency plan all the time since bad things don’t come announced.

Friday 29 March 2019

What are other Uses of Brass Knuckles apart from being hardcore Fighting Tools?

Brass knuckles are illegal for a reason; these are hardcore tools which have been specifically designed for combat and close-body-fight. However, did you know that there are other tools and items which have the knuckle dusters attached or inbuilt, such as the brass knuckles belt buckle? The brass knuckle belt buckle is just an example of the popularity of the brass knuckles which have become a vital part of the world of fashion; pop culture; movies, and video games. This article is for those who want to know more about the knuckle dusters and the brass knuckle belt buckle.

It is important to note that the brass knuckles are not only effective fighting weapons; but, equally important and effective weapons of defense. However, these are only effective as long as the attacking person doesn't carry a gun. Apart from that, the brass knuckles have always been used in infamous street fights as well as gang fights. This is also one of the basic reasons that the brass knuckles have been banned in the majority of the states. 

Therefore, if you are planning to get an amazing set of the knuckle dusters; I would recommend checking in with your local laws first since we don't want you to spend some time in jail. That being said let us assume that your local laws do allow you the possession of brass knuckle. This is when you can set yourself to action and purchase an amazing set of knuckle dusters or get an equally awesome set of the brass knuckles belt buckle.

With regards to the material used in the construction of the brass knuckles, there are brass knuckles made of wood, metal, steel and even paper. However, the most effective set of the knuckle dusters with respect to using them as effective self defense weapons are the ones which are made of ‘brass' or ‘metal'. 

The act of wielding the brass knuckle makes the fist of the wielder feel tighter; in fact, the brass knuckles are effectively designed to add the boost to the punching fist. Carrying a set of the knuckle duster will allow you to feel safe and ready-to-defend at all times. Therefore, it wouldn't be wrong to state that the act of carrying brass knuckle lends you a distinct upper hand against the attacker who is unaware of the fact and commits the fact of provoking you.

You can estimate the efficacy of the brass knuckle from the fact that in many incidents, only one solid punch with the knuckle duster on proved sufficient to bring down the opponent. The brass knuckles are surely brutal fighting tools; these can not only cause broken noses but also broken skulls and sometimes even deaths. Since the brass knuckles have been much associated with gang and street violence, the various state governments were forced to put a ban on the possession and carrying of the knuckle duster. 

However, the laws and regulations with regards to the brass knuckles vary from state to state; there is the possibility that you state might not allow you to possess a set of brass knuckle on the streets with criminal attention. Apart from this, there is also the possibility that your state allows you to collect and own brass knuckle in the form of brass knuckle paperweight and the brass knuckle belt buckle.

Despite the many bans, we can see that brass knuckles have been permanently introduced to the world of fashion accessories where you can find brass knuckles jewelry items, such as the brass knuckle necklace. Not to mention the fact that even car owners have started using brass knuckle as awesome car ornaments; such as brass knuckle handle grips. Apart from using the brass knuckles as typical fighting tools, you can also the brass knuckle in the form of ice smashers; brass knuckle paperweight (which are great conversation pieces); brass knuckle bottle opener, and the brass knuckle belt buckle.

Some Final Thoughts…

Brass knuckles have been around us for a long time; from the era of the Gladiators to be exact. Despite the fact that these were essential fighting tools, these have now become an important fashion statement as well, such as the brass knuckle belt buckle.

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Friday 18 January 2019

Brass Knuckles Paperweight vs. Real Brass Knuckles: What's the Difference?

Have you ever wondered what the difference between brass knuckles and the brass knuckles paperweight is? Why brass knuckles are illegal in most of the States; whereas, it seems to be okay to keep a set of brass knuckles paperweight on your office desk while all brass knuckles look and feel the same? Well, let me tell you what the real difference is between a set of brass knuckles and the brass knuckles paperweight. 

On the surface, there is no real difference between a set of brass knuckles and the brass knuckles paperweight; however, the real difference lies in the "intention" and, at times, the packaging of the brass knuckles paperweight. This answer might have left you rather confused that clear; keep reading the article to get a clearer perspective.

What Does the Law Say?

Brass knuckles are well-known as a brutal fighting tool; in fact, the brass knuckles are effective weapons of personal defense as well. The history of the brass knuckles tells us that these have been with us since a long time; we are talking about the ancient era of the Romans and Gladiators who used the earliest versions of the brass knuckles in the fighting arenas. 

The brass knuckles add a boost to the punching fist; the brass knuckles can cause severe damage to the bones and flesh; there have been reported death cases as well. Due to the brutality of the brass knuckles, these are now forbidden to carry and own in most of the states, such as California, Illinois, and the state of Vermont.

The fun fact is that there are some states that allow the carrying and selling of brass knuckles only if these are not carried with the intentions of committing a crime or harming anybody. For instance, the state of Carolina allows the people to carry and own a set of brass knuckles if they carry them with good intentions. It is in states like these that people carry brass knuckles in the form of brass knuckles paperweight or brass knuckles belt buckle. In states like these, the brass knuckles are recognized as art pieces; therefore, these are ingrained in clothing items as well as jewelry.

Then there are some states that have put bans on real metallic brass knuckles only, including the metallic brass knuckles paperweight. They have even put bans on brass knuckles paperweight that is made of harder plastic material. Therefore, it is important to know the laws of your locality first before settling down to buying some cool tools, such as the brass knuckles paperweight.

Why are the Brass Knuckles Paperweight so damn Popular?

Yes, this is the question of many people who are new to the game of looking good and making a strong fashion statement. Brass knuckles are quite popular in the modern fashion industry as well as the hip-hop music culture where the rappers are seen flashing some amazing set of brass knuckles while rapping to the beat. No one can refute the factor that brass knuckles are simply awesome; even Angelina Jolie had a pair of brass knuckles in the crime movie named "Wanted". 

Not to mention the fact that even some cool video games, such as the game of "Auto Theft" includes brass knuckles. Therefore, having a cool set of brass knuckles paperweight on your office desk has proven to e a good conversation piece. In fact, many people have reported that the brass knuckles paperweight has also served as an "ice breaker" by catching the attention of the people who find it too irresistible to not talk about it.

Thursday 20 December 2018

A Brief Guide to Brass Knuckles: Everything you Must Know

Brass Knuckles are offensive or defensive tools designed to fit around the knuckles. They are the fighting weapons that enhance the punching power of the fist of the wearer. The wearer can draw the fingers across his palm and form a fist. A flat portion amid the joints of first fingers and knuckles form a powerful weapon to strike the contenders. The idea behind these knuckles is to increase the punching strength and prevent damage to your hand. Hence, wearing them would serve a couple of purposes. If you want to learn more about the brass knuckles, let’s explore their history, usage, and legality. 

Exploring the history of Brass Knuckles

The knuckle style tools are not new, they have been used hundreds of years ago. During the Civil War in America, wood and iron knuckles were designed and used by the fighters. The soldiers either purchased them or made their own. Also, Nihand Sikhs used similar knuckles known as Sher Panja during early 18th century. A few brass knuckles include rounded rings enabling greater impact of blows and causing more serious injuries. In the earlier times, metal knuckles were used that had spikes, cutting edges, and shar points. Such weapons were also referred to as knuckle knives. 

In the late 19th century, pistols featured knuckle duster. Also, the US army issued a couple of knuckle knives amid the first world war including US model 1918 and the US model 1917. England manufactured knuckle knives and knuckles and allowed soldiers to use them. The modern designs of brass knuckles are pretty different than the ancient ones with emergency blades incorporated in them.

The modern uses of Brass Knuckles

Knuckles are not only considered as tools for fighting and self-defense in the modern days. Brass Knuckles are now used in numerous ways ranging from fashion accessories to auto ornaments. They are highly popular apparel among the fashionable and elite gangsters, players, and hustlers. They are considered to be more appealing and attractive as well. 

Chrome and brass come with studs for screwing in for making the buckles of belts. People also wear them as four fingers ring and on necklaces. Knuckles are also popular among the auto owners as gorgeous and luxurious ornaments. They tend to hang them on the rear-view mirror. With their different styles and colors, they are also used as hood ornaments. 

Appearance of Brass Knuckles in Movies and Games

Brass Knuckles appeared in several TV shows and movies. Most recently, they were seen in Band of Brothers. William Regal, a well-known wrestler uses to wear them on different occasions. He has a particular wrestling move involving knuckles which he calls “Power of the Punch”. 

They are considered to give a feel of a “tough guy”, which is the reason why many Hardcore musicians wear them. Several WWE Superstars such as John Cena and Chris Jericho have been seen wearing them on different episodes of WWE Raw. John Constantine used a pair of holy knuckles in the movie Constantine. Similarly, Angelina Jolie wore a pair of these knuckles in the film “Wanted”. GTA Vice City is a popular game in which brass knuckles were worn by the main character. 

Legality of the Brass Knuckles in different United States

The laws around Brass knuckles vary in the USA from state to state. A few states have legalized them while a few have made them illegal. The states in which it is illegal include Illinois, California, Vermont, and Michigan. Surprisingly, Texas has made manufacturing, sale, and possession of these knuckles illegal. In many other states, they are considered legal. However, in South Carolina, they are considered illegal in case they are used with an intention to commit a crime. 

Many states considered knuckles as concealed weapons. You need a permit to carry them, but it depends upon the age requirements. In the states where knuckles are legal, they are sold as a jewelry item, typically a necklace.

Monday 22 October 2018

The Ancient History of Knuckle Duster

In the United States, these amazing fighting tools are called" knuckle duster"; however, generally known as "knucks" otherwise "knuckle duster" (most common in British English), and translated from German they are known as "punch rings. As a renowned type of artificial knuckles, knuckle dusters are also referred to as "sap gloves" For years, boxers have secretly used knuckle duster to achieve an unfair reward against their opponents. 

A historical analysis indicates that Knuckle duster is generally believed to be an ancient Roman "caestus"; a type of leather and metal-made gloves or hand guards used during boxing games at the fighting event. In contrast to the present boxing gloves, which are utilized to beat the Warriors' anger and along these lines to decrease physical wounds, punches were utilized to extend the harm caused by harm or stun.

The Cestus: Earliest Form of Knuckle Duster

The basic form of Cestus has been a progression of leather straps ties that were attached to the hand. Greeks used hand-to-hand contests in the grand fighting arenas. In Roman Latin, cestus suggests the meaning of a leather strap that was shielded or bound in items like belts. The Romans reformed the straps by adding metal parts containing studs and iron plates. 

One of the most harmful versions of the knuckle duster contained "limb-piercer"; also, the originally Greek sphairai, slender leather straps that included cutting blades. This ancient form of brass knuckle was often used by attacking players where non-armed fighters - usually slaves - fighting to the death. This type of boxing was eventually banned due to its severity.

"Tekko"- Japanese ancient Knuckle Duster

The most popular portrayal of the cestus is depicted in the iconic statue of the Boxer Quirinal. The seated figure is wearing his leather wrap, the "cestus" in one of his hands. "Tekko" is another name for the same weapon that is also the traditional weapon of Kobudo, a kind of martial art from Okinawa, Japan. 

Mostly, this weapon is used by martial artists and is usually made up of wood, metal or any other tough and sturdy material. To be more specific, the "tekko" is a type of horseshoe that was used by the Japanese farmers to as a fighting and self defense weapon/tool in the ancient era of feudal Japan.

The Current form of Knuckle Duster

The Knuckle duster has gone through different changes to obtain its current form and shape as a self defense weapon to be used when any situation requires an urgent reaction. The historical analysis of the knuckle duster reflects that these were primary weapons used in hand to hand fighting; specifically designed to provide punching forces with smaller and more difficult contact areas that result in tissue damage and increase the possibility of breaking the bones of the victim.

Usually made in factories in Pakistan or China knuckle duster is usually built from aluminum or steel. Chrome or brass color or any kind of color is then applied. Knuckle duster and brass knuckles are rare because of the weight and cost of brass, which can range up to $80 + per pair.

There are also other kinds of the knuckle duster that are made of plastic; yet, they can serve the similar function as the metal kind. However, these are much lighter and less likely to be detected. Among the various kinds of the knuckle duster, the spiked knuckle duster is considered to be the most vicious one as it cannot only break bones into pieces but also shred tissues. Before you purchase this amazing fighting tool, it is recommended to check with your local laws with regard to its legality. 

Tuesday 24 April 2018

So it is Safe to Say That the Bowie Knife for Sale?

Every seen Rambo I, II, III, Crocodile Dundee or Predator (the movie), then you know what a Bowie Knife is intrinsically.  

According to Wikipedia the first one ever created was in the early 19th century by James Black for Jim Bowie who was famous for prowess with a knife and gained its widespread notoriety through a knife fight referred to as the Sandbar Fight where Jim Bowie was seriously injured and he had killed someone with his giant knife, which later came to be known as the Bowie knife. The sandbar fight and the widespread p2p advertising of the fight directly correlated with the increased Bowie Knife sales throughout the region.

Originally bowie knives for sale were designed primarily as a hand to hand combat weapon that was compact and easy to carry when compared to a sword. Today this knife is used primarily by hunters, campers and survival fanatics alike. Reasons for use primarily are skinning, using it to build shelter, making hunting tools and self defence ofcourse.

Now there have been many depictions of the Bowie knife for sale in popular culture. Even before the whole movie culture was a thing these knives have been depicted on the  most famous medium for storytelling which was books.

Out of all them the most prominent was the mention of the Bowie Knife in Dracula by Bram Stokers, and we are not talking about the movie here but the true art form of the written work in which the dracula was in fact killed by a bowie knife being driven into his heart by the protagonist. Modern day fictitious depictions are numerous and the most notable are ofcourse the walking dead and extremely famous game Counter Strike 1.6.

They also are one of the  most collected knives due to its rich history both in real life events and fiction. So it is safe to say that the Bowie Knife for sale is one of, if not the most famous and collected knives at present times.